Church News

Events & Information

memorial day breakfast

Food Distribution

The annual UNION CHURCH GARAGE SALE will be held Friday, June 7th from 9-3 and Saturday, June 8th from 9-1.  Please start gathering your “treasurers” for donation.  Some ideas might include household items, books, frames, pictures, linens, toys, games, antiques, collectibles, craft tools and patterns, indoor and outdoor furniture, sporting goods, paintings, tools and other items you may be ready to part with. Your contributions are GREATLY appreciated!!

You can drop off your items any time.  They can be placed in the lower hall after May 31st.  We are always looking for volunteers to help set-up, price, sell, and clean-up. 

This sale is a large fundraiser for the church.  In you haven’t volunteered or attended the sale, you’ve missed out on lots of fun and fellowship. 

If you have any questions or would like to volunteer, please call Sandy Cullen,

Due to safety, disposal and recycling issues, we will NOT be able to accept the following items for donation:
Clothing, Computer equipment, television sets, chemical based items, child or infant car seats, mattresses, unusable, unsanitary or unsafe items.

garage sale

Three Churchville organizations celebrated Christmas in July!!! 🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈 A parade of re-gifted “Christmas in July” balloons heading toward Union Congregational United Church of Christ – Churchville to be used at their outdoor worship service tomorrow. The balloons were originally used by Gallery 48, who then gifted them to Merle Norman, who in turn donated them to Union Church.

First Responders Honored at Union Church

Again this year, Union Church in Churchville honored First Responders at their outdoor service on Sunday, July17.

Attending were representatives of the Sherriff’s office and the Churchville Fire Department.  A Fire truck was there as well for the children and congregants to enjoy.  Represented also were two police officers who took part in the 300-mile bike ride to Washington DC in honor of all fallen officers.  Cheryl Fridley gave a brief talk about their experience among the thousands of officers who participated in this ride. 

These First Responders do not often get the attention and honor they deserve for their tireless efforts to serve their communities.  We thank them for their brave service and responding to calls so quickly.  Our wish is for their safety while they keep us safe. First Responders are our greatest heroes.  We salute and thank them for their service.  Do let them know that their commitment and dedication do not go unnoticed.

After the brief service, we had ice cream treats for all which were generously provided by Wegman’s of Chili-Paul.  We thank Wegmans for all they do for the communities surrounding them as well for the treats we enjoyed.

pull tab-ronald

POP TABS – Please keep those tiny tabs coming in!  They may be small but they help families with seriously ill children in the Rochester area thru the Ronald McDonald House Charities. Collection containers are located in the Fellowship room and lower hall.

Honoring Our First Responders

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WOW!  Did you see the musical “Life of the Party”?  Kudos to Steve Valvano who pulled it together so beautifully within a week.  It was the culmination of a great week of VBS at Union Church.  Everyone, children and adults — from 3 to 83 — seemed to have a great experience.  From the start of listening to stories, singing songs, learning in the classroom, working at a craft, and of course, enjoying some snacks, to gathering together at the end with a song and prayer, it was a lot of fun and joy. It could not have happened without the cooperation and help by all of you – from teaching to bringing cookies for the reception. Thank you for contributing to the success of this year’s VBS.  We would love to hear your comments and feedback.

UNION CHURCH 2018 PARADE FLOAT – Smile, God Loves You! was the theme of our Parade Float this year.  We’re sure it brought smiles to many along the way.  Again we displayed the miniature church built by Harry Pimm many years ago.  Al Cullen drove the truck and pulled the trailer provided by Andy Fuller and we decorated it with balloons ad balloon fringe.  But the best attraction were the smiles, singing and kazoo playing by old and young sitting on the float and walking alongside with candy and bookmarks for the onlookers.  We hope you did not miss this joyous occasion.  If so, enjoy the pictures taken by several people.  So many thanks to all who helped in all kinds of ways to make this a successful contribution to the community.